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Contact Form

Your Name*

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Your Message to Us *

Required *

Are you wanting something special to take shooting at the range?   Having a nice gun to shoot and interesting targets to shoot at make an hour or two at the range much more enjoyable and just plain fun. 

What kind of gun do you really want?  Maybe a classic Revolver from Colt that is also a work of art, or a very nice 1911 with a smooth trigger pull, or a little semi-automatic small enough and light enough to carry every day?  Let us know what you want and we probably have one and can tell you our experience with it and about how much it will cost to get one.

We believe that any sentence beginning with, "If I could have only one gun" is just plain dumb and stupid.  Get what you need and want.  There is no limit on having fun.

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday:  4:30pm to 6:00pm 

                   or                By Appointment 

Contact Us


201 W Main St

Clinton, MS  

Call Us

(925) 367-8862




We are Americans, without hyphens or apologies. We live and target shoot in the South where everyone is nice and the Constitution (including All of the Amendments) is still generally recognized as The Law of the Land.  We are not subject to political correctness or identify politics because we are not Subjects, but Citizens living well and working to make America great again.

We contribute to many organizations that have helped us achieve our common goals of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness:

The National Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation, USA Shooting Sports, USConcealedCarryAssociation

ASPCA, Batson Childrens Hospital, Shriners Hospital, St. Jude Hospital, Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Clinton, Magnolia Rifle & Pistol Club - We encourage everyone to find and support their own kindred spirits of like-minded causes and organizations 


© Southern Fried Shootin 

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